
Kim Brown is a Creative!
Choreographer, Teacher, Author, Speaker
Kim brown tells stories with whatever medium she can find: Dance, Film, Photography, Teaching, Books and Podcasts.
She is a loving wife, passionate parent of 3 grown young men, child advocate, Apple Distinguished Educator, DIY queen, who loves Education, Theatre, and Technology and wants to change the world. Kim loves her family, nature, learning new things, creating something amazing out of nothing, and seeing her young people grow to accomplish incredible things!
Most of all, Kim Brown loves God!
Kim Brown’s Publications
Print Disabilities…Be Gone! Help for anyone who struggles to read! This book teaches how to use Apple’s built in Accessibility Features to overcome print disabilities and feel successful while learning! This is a must read for parents, teachers, and students who know someone with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, or any other print disability! There is hope and support for our students who struggle…and they don’t need to be frustrated anymore!
Genius Desk and STEAM, What a Team! The journey of how we used a student group to add IT support to our school. As a middle school elective class, this group of independent leaders fixed technology problems for both students and teachers, trained teachers on new technology, and most importantly created weekly STEAM challenges that were researched, sourced, and introduced with a video so that every elementary class had the opportunity to engage with hands-on learning each week!
IPad Parent Guide #4 This book is #4 of a 5 part series that teaches parents, students, and teachers how to use iPads successfully! Book #4 covers the basics of Clips, iMovie, Camera, Photos, and Garageband. We know parents are trying to help their children learn, so several of my Apple Distinguished Educator friends wanted to be a resource to those parents! Check out the whole series and learn great skills for your iPad and iPhone!
Coming Soon…
Watch the Apple Book Store for a new children’s series called, ”Alaska’s Adventures!” Our amazing dog chronicles her adventures as we travel around on our motorcycles!
Out and About