Enjoy the Life You Have!
Everyone of us will one day have hard times, go through trials, or experience difficult situations. No matter where you are in your journey, the question is can you Enjoy the Life You Have? It is easy to see the good things when life is easy, but when life gets tough…that is when the true character of a person shows up. I have had great things happen in my life and very large terrible things happen as well. For example, during the last nine years I suffered terrible pain and yet, I kept asking myself the same question, “How can I enjoy the life I have…even though my life is full of limitations with no end in sight?”
To hear more, watch my Miracle Story and see what happened.
Watch all 8 videos to hear my miracle story
…it is unbelievable!
Prefer to watch on YouTube? Go to Bit.ly/YTKimBrown to watch the whole story
Feeling stuck?
What small steps can YOU take today, to help you
Enjoy the Life You Have?
In the midst of any trial is the perfect time to stop, take a breath, and evaluate the situation. What small things can be controlled, during a time when everything seems out of control? It is important to stay balanced physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Taking small steps in each of these areas, can take that overwhelming trial and put it into perspective. Read more…